Dear Lords and Ladies,
it has been a pleasure for us to inform you in the past with this newsletter about the activities, actions and curiosities of churchfortress e.V.
Tomorrow, on 25th of May the new European data-security guideline is going to be implemented. We would like to inform you hereby that we use your private data only for our newsletter and invitations. Further information you find in our privacy statement on our homepage
If you do not want to receive our newsletter any longer, please reply to A simple “no” is enough and we will delete your data. Nonetheless we would be very happy to keep you also in future up-to-date.
Next to dealing with data-security guidelines, which is quite some work for a small association as ours, we had a very successful construction-site going on in May:
We have a new bridge to the Teachers House!
It sounds easy, but is quite an accomplishment for us. Already last year we started to plan the construction, material use and calculated statics. Our aim was to make it local, cheap and long lasting – and we succeeded! The first test with our car and five persons was easily passed. Altogether we spend only 300 € for the construction and the majority of the money stays in the village, as we spend it for local, freshly cut oak-wood from the communal forest.
It was exciting to work this time not – a bit above everything – on the roof, but in the village visible for everyone. As expected nearly every villager passed by to give us good advice and encouraging words. But not only that, we also got big hands-on support in splitting stones for the fundation, cutting and delivering the wood and in the construction of the bridge itself. We would like to take the opportunity and express our gratitudefor the big support.
Water flows
No Bridge without a stream. Ours was unfortunately overgrown and silty. Of course we got our hands dirty and cleared out the streambed of debris, plants and garbage. Additionally we planted some new herbs and bushes along the embankment. We can`t keep up with the neatly-mown lawn of our neighbor, but everyone was happy to see, that we find time for some gardening work. And this had a catching effect: some neighbors also started to work on the maintenance of their free space.
Paving inside the Courtyard
At the end of our stay we even managed to clear out the courtyard of the Teachers House. The old wood was used for a nice and impressive campfire in the evening. Then we started to dig: Underneath further 15-20cm of plants, soil and debris we found the old cobblestones. Now this historic pavement was brought back to the surface and the drainage system suddenly started to work again. All this is already necessary preparation for next years masonry work along the base of our house. The walls have to be as dry as possible for that.
Visits and Hosts
Besides our construction work we welcomed fifteen tourists from Canada, who explored Harbach-Valley on their bikes on the first weekend. The food, bread and cake (locally made in the village) was accompanied by many „gorgeous“, „amazing“ and „wonderful“. We were happy to do this voluntary, present our association and at the same time bring some money into the village for the cooks as well as present our work of churchfortress association.
In the second week another visit was announced: a group of students and professors from the University of Potsdam (expertise restauration). We took a close look together on our churchfortress castle, the interior and the landscape (with the stunning view from our big bell tower).
Buffaloes and Mangaliza-Pigs
It is wonderful to see the new water buffaloes going to graze with the other cows on the common pasture of the village. To see the herd early in the morning going and in the evening coming back is a pretty unique experience, that you won`t find anywhere else in Europe anymore, except for Transylvania. Furthermore, the first hairy and pregnant Mangaliza-pig is already waiting in nearby Malancrav and will arrive next week in the village. We would like to thank our supporters that made this possible.
As already described in the last newsletter we will do quite a lot this year and our next construction team is ready to start in June. They will, this time with professional support, finish the roof and build up new chimneys. Additionally we already ordered new but traditionally crafted wooden windows. Until now the plan was to finance them by ourselves . But luckily we found a generous supporter, who help us to bear the expenses. Thanks a lot!
Of course we also thank everybody who supported us with their donation and would like to use the opportunity to let you know as it is an ongoing and growing project, we are always very thankful for anyone willing to support us with any amount or two helping hands. You are a great help for us and make it possible to keep our fascinating project in Movile running. Thank you!
So far for now about the news and progress of our extraordinary castle project in Transilvania. The churchfortress project group members thank you for your motivating support and wish you a lot of energy for summer 2018!