Help the cowherd of Movile through a difficult time!
We would like to support the cowherd of Movile with contributing two cows of our own to help this traditional form of agriculture in the region. Only if the heard is big enough work pays off for the herdsman and the milk collection center can continue supplying the community with locally produced milk.
The herd of cows is not only the soul of the village. As a traditional way of farming, it is also at the core of ecological farming in the region, as a land use compatible with the nature conservation goals. It also contributes to touristic development for the whole region.
Specifically, we will contribute with two cows, named Leni and Lori. They will be in the stable of a Transylvanian farm dating from 1770. They will join the village cattle herd on the common pasture every day and will be taken care of by the neighbor Gabi. She will milk the two cows in the morning and evening, muck them out and feed them hay in winter. In return, she will receive the income from the sale of the milk. This will support her with around 600€ per year.
The hay is cut locally near the village, in the unique “buecheln” landscape (hilly surrounding of Movile), and brought to the farm by horse-drawn cart. This supports the cultural landscape of grasslands and its ecological integrity.
The cow herds have since centuries played a central role in the village life. It is difficult to imagine sustainable development without this soul and hearth of the village. It is a great pleasure to see the herd wandering through the village in the morning and in the evening on their way to the pasture. They represent the small-scale, self-sufficient life of the farmers. Isn’t it sometimes the case that what is old is also particularly modern? Help us with this small gesture to save traditional sustainable lifestyle!
Who and what we support:
- Milk collection point
- Shepherds
- Neighbor Gabi
- the herd that has existed for centuries
- cultural landscape
- pasture farming tradition
- tourism
- Soul of the village
Your donation will go to
Purchasing the cows (1000€ each) and the running costs:
- Winter fodder: 5 horse-drawn carts full of hay, 100€ each.
- Payment for the shepherd: 120€, 2 loaves of bread (10€), 15kg corn (10€)
- Veterinarian: 80€

As a sponsor you can contribute with costs for one of these items. Upon your visit you may take a joy in helping with feeding and milking Leni or Lori or cutting the hay. Just contact us.
You can donate an amount of your choice here:
Project “Save cow herd, preserve smallholder agriculture” on betterplace.
… or directly here:
Churchfortress e.V.
IBAN: DE07 4306 0967 8234 2302 00
Your donation is tax deductible.
All donations exceeding the purchase costs and the running costs of one year will be used for the operation of the following years.